Newborn photography in our Oakland studio


These moments are fleeting. Don’t let them slip away!

First, we’ll get your due date on the calendar so your session is already guaranteed in our calendar whenever your little arrives. We’ll talk about your favorite colors and you’ll get to choose props for your session from our adorable, natural inventory of goodies. We can aim for any pose from my list of poses for your session, all the while taking the sweetest care of baby’s needs.

Once your due date is on our calendar, you will receive guidance on what to expect in further detail on the day of our session. You will contact us once your little one arrives and together we will choose the best date for everyone to come into the studio. Most sessions begin at 10:30 and are conducted on Wednesdays through Fridays in Oakland.

Your session will be approximately 3 hours and you will be well taken care of once your arrive. A warm, cozy studio with the most comfortable large sofa, drinks galore and snacking tables. You are encouraged to make yourselves at home and most clients gawk in wonder at the newborn photo process, do work on wifi or take a much-needed nap.